FY 2024 Distributions

  Fund(s) Amount
Michael Winograd Performance Small Fund $3,000
Install accessible door openers in Illini Hillel bathrooms Hillel Robinson Building Fund $9,056
Pamela Rae Schuller Disability Workshops Zimmerman Fund $4,635
Review CU Torahs for repairs Hymowitz Fund $2,700
Community Channkah Celebration Small Fund $1,500
Jewish Learning Institute Classes Small Fund $3,000
CHAI Seniors Programs Goldberg-Gordon-Yairi and Miller Funds $6,000
Purim Drag Show Allen Fund $2,695
Russian Students Judaism Initiative Allen Fund $1,350
Terry Schwartzberg; Community Yom Hashoah observance Marco Fund $1,700
Zach Mayer concert (September, 2024) Small Fund $3,000
Yiddish Songs of Social Change (Fall, 2024) Small Fund $2,500


FY 2023 Distributions

Summary of Grants During 5783
Grant Fund(s) Amount
Tel Aviv University scholarship Yairi Fund $7,500
Violins of Hope Small Fund for Jewish Arts and Culture $7,255
Illini Hillel Programming Allen Fund $6,338
Youth to Israel Josh Gottheil Youth to Israel Fund $4,700
Camp Scholarships Lewis, Loeb, Sinai Camp, and Shapiro Funds $2,700
Yom Hashoah Marco Fund $2,475
Steven Chaitman concerts Glaser Fund $2,000
Illini Hillel equipment Hillel Director's Fund $1,400
CUJEF Legacy Giving development CUJEF General Fund $1,191
Shabbat Shira/Sinai Temple Small Fund $600
Tanakhim for Illini Hillel Krakower Torah Fund $407
5783 Grant Grand Total   $36,565


FY 2022 Distributions

  • CUJF Annual Campaign (including disbursement from Robinson Quasi-endowment)                $60,989.57
  • Sinai Temple (including disbursement from Robinson Quasi-endowment and Klein funds)     $31,475.90
  • Hillel Foundation programming support (Hillel Robinson, Allen, and Weiner funds)                  $10,504.84
  • Augment rabbinic salary (Subman Rabbinic and Smith Rabbinic funds)                                       $  8,102.51
  • CHAI for Seniors programming (Goldberg-Gordon-Yairi and Libby and Harry Miller funds)     $  5,087.27
  • Support visit of Rabbi Mark Glickman at Sinai Temple (Marco and Steinberg funds)                 $  3,450.00
  • Support educational trip to Israel for one local child (Gottheil fund)                                             $  3,000.00
  • Camp scholarships and related (Lewis, Loeb, Youth, and Sinai Camp funds)                               $  2,868.00
  • Chanukah Menorahs and subsidy for Parade of Light Float (Small Fund)                                     $  2,500.00
  • Equipment at Hillel (Hillel Director Fund)                                                                                            $  1,290.34
  • CUJF Human Services Committee (Guttenberg Fund)                                                                       $  1,287.91
  • Educational materials (Nelson Fund for Holocaust Education)                                                       $     667.27
  • CUJF-administered Gift of Israel program (Wachtel Gift of Israel Fund)                                        $     589.32

Selected Grants from FY2019*

  • Illini Chabad $2,500.00 for hosting holocaust survivor and WWII spy Marthe Cohn

  • CUJF awarded $3,450.00 for sponsorship of the Champaign Urbana Jewish Film Festival

  • Holocaust Education Committee awarded $458.31 from the Harry Nelson Memorial Endowment Fund to purchase books to be used in local schools

  • Illini Hillel awarded $200.00 from the Allen Fund for Hillel to support the upcoming Sukkah Hop.

  • Illini Hillel awarded $2,000.00 from the Allen Fund for Hillel to support Hillel's  "So This is a Text"  series of dinners and discussions during the fall'18 semester.

  • Illini Hillel awarded $510.00 from the Allen Fund for Hillel to support Hillel's Rosh Hashanah trip to Curtis Apple Orchard.

  • Illini Hillel awarded $590.00 from the Hillel Director's Fund for replacing the Cohen Center Sound System.

  • Sinai Temple awarded $500.00 from the CUJEF General Fund as a contribution to the Jake Rosenbaum Eagle Scout Playground project.

  • Illini Hillel awarded $2,300.00 from the Allen Fund for Hillel to support Illini Hillel's Holocaust Memorial Exhibition at the University YMCA to be opened on International Holocaust Memorial Day.

  • Illini Hillel awarded $5,000.00 from the Allen Fund for Hillel to support a block party in honor of the commemoratory renaming of John Street to "Honorary Rabbi Ben Frankel Way".

  • CUJF awarded $2,425.00 from the Miller Memorial Fund and the Goldberg-Gordon-Yairi Fund to support the CHAI Sniors Program.

  • Illini Hillel awarded $1,400.00 from the Arthur R. Robinson for the Hillel Building to replace the screen in the Cohen Center multi-purpose hall.

  • Illini Hillel awarded $395.00 from the Hillel Director's Fund for the purchase of a tent.

FY2018 Distributions

The CUJEF Board awarded the following grants in FY18 from endowment funds which support programming for specific purposes and from the CUJEF General Fund. 

Contribution to CUJF Annual Campaign

Allen and Elaine Avner PACE                    $1,799.00

Dan and Frances Bloomfield PACE            $1,149.79

CUJF PACE                                                 $7,062.04

Lebenson PACE                                                $79.03

Lefkowitz-LeRoy Family PACE                     $436.45

Eli Mandel PACE                                            $413.01

Melhado PACE                                             $1,256.97

Robinson CUJF                                           $42,000.00

Jack Simon PACE                                         $2,055.56

Leo and Anne Weisel PACE                            $580.07

Total to CUJF:                                           $56,831.92

Disbursement to Sinai Temple

The Julius Cohen Garden Fund                                                      $308.36

The Joli and Donald Ginsberg Library Fund                               $1,017.23

The J Hamburg Early Childhood Education Fund                          $592.63

Sisterhood Myron Korry Confirmation Education Fund                $806.31

The Clarence and Adele Libman Religious School Fund            $2,092.37

Linowes Bequest                                                                          $1,986.32

The Sinai Temple General Fund                                                  $7,987.23

Robinson Sinai Temple Fund                                                       $8,000.00

Sinai Temple Tepper Board Discretionary Fund                             $807.50

The Blanche & Seymour Sudman Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund   $1,029.21

The Mathlia Zimmerman B’nai Israel Fund                                  $1650.00

Total to Sinai Temple:                                                              $26,277.16

  • The Allen Fund contributed $2,000.00 to support Hillel’s programs.
  • The Goldberg-Gordon-Yairi Fund contributed $152.00 to finance CHAI program for Seniors run by Federation.
  • Hillel’s Director Fund provided $ 2,200.00 to finance the purchase of a new copier.
  • Hillel Robinson Building Fund provided $700.00 for the Cohen Center building maintenance.
  • Hillel Robinson Fund contributed $596.14 as an annual disbursement to support programming at Hillel.
  • The Lewis Family Fund contributed $956.09 for camp scholarships and $900.00 to sponsor Sinai Temple religious school program
  • The Charles R. and Helen Loeb Fund contributed $968.71 for camp scholarships and $900.00 to sponsor Sinai Temple religious school program.
  • The Jack and Sadye Marco Holocaust Fund contributed $2,900.00 to Sinai Temple in support of its Yom HaShoah program.
  • The Libby and Harry Miller Memorial Fund contributed $48.00 to finance CHAI program for Seniors run by Federation.
  • The Sudman and Smith Rabbinic Funds contributed respectively $6,267.89 and $736.72 to augment rabbinic salary in FY17-18.
  • The Shapiro Fund contributed $456.08 for camp scholarships.
  • The Sinai Sisterhood Camp Scholarship Fund contributed $810.43 for camp scholarships.
  • The Small Fund provided $1,300 to Sinai Temple for the Scholar Weekend and $1,000 to CUJF’s Annual Dinner in March of 2018.
  • The Lynn and Ira Wachtel Gift of Israel Fund contributed $497.85 to the CUJF-administered Gift of Israel program.
  • The Ehud and Janie Yairi Fund for Communications Disorders at Tel Aviv University provided $5,000.00 in grants to four doctoral students at the Tel Aviv University.
  • Stanley and Joyce Levy Youth Leadership Fund provided $150 for travel to conference
  • The CUJEF General Endowment contributed $1,300 to finance the Interfaith Seder.


Total CUJEF Distributions in FY18:                                                    $111,648.99   



FY2017 Distributions

The CUJEF Board awarded the following grants in FY17 from endowment funds which support programming for specific purposes and from the CUJEF General Fund. 

The Allen Fund:

     $1,750 to support High Holiday Programs at Illini Hillel,

     $4,860 to support Dinner & Discussion program at Illini Hillel,

     $2,000 to support the Alternative Winter Break for Hillel’s students and

     $1,200 to support Shabbat at Illini Hillel.

The total disbursement to Hillel from the Allen fund was $9,810.00.


The Goldberg-Gordon-Yairi Fund:

     $1,298.56 to finance CUJF’s CHAI Program for Seniors


The Josh Gottheil Youth for Israel Fund: 

     $1,360 to finance the Birthright program at Illini Hillel, and

     $2,200 to support local students’ travel to Israel.

The total disbursement from this Gottheil Fund was $3,560.


The Lewis Family Fund:

     $150.00 for camp scholarships


The Charles R. and Helen Loeb Fund:

     $609.72 for camp scholarships


The Jack and Sadye Marco Holocaust Fund:

     $2,600 in support of Sinai Temple’s Yom HaShoah program


The Libby and Harry Miller Memorial Fund:

     $226.44 to finance CUJF’s CHAI program for Seniors


The Shapiro Fund:

     $446.84 for camp scholarships

Dr. Samuel & Sadie Small Fund for Jewish Arts & Culture:

     $2,300 to support The Interfaith Seder at Sinai Temple and

     $3,450 to sponsor the Judaica Film Fest.

The total contribution from the Small fund was :  $5,750.00


The Smith Rabbinic Fund:

     $716.02 to augment Sinai Temple’s rabbinic salary


The Sudman Rabbinic Fund:

     $6,085.68 to augment Sinai Temple’s rabbinic salary


The Sinai Sisterhood Camp Scholarship Fund:

     $793.44 for camp scholarships


Esther & Marvin Steinberg Scholar-in-Residence Fund:  

     $5,450.00 to support Gary Zola’s lecture at Sinai Temple


The Lynn and Ira Wachtel Gift of Israel Fund:

     $476.55 to the CUJF-administered Gift of Israel program


The CUJEF General Fund:

     $564.00 to sponsor 4th of July community wide celebration at Illini Hillel,

     $3,600.00 to support Sally Priesand lecture at Sinai Temple,

     $700.00 to sponsor a Small Congretion retreat for Sinai Temple,

     $1,351.00 to support khazan and a concert at Sinai Temple, and  

     $1,500 to support of Kosher practices in Champaign-Urbana.

The total disbursement from the General Fund was $7,715.

*Grant awards must meet eligibility requirements and support the mission of CUJEF.  Consideration may also be given to financial need and impact on the Jewish community.  Grants are awarded at the discretion of the Board of Directors of the Champaign-Urbana Jewish Endowment Foundation.