Funds Supporting Sinai Temple Religious School
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Hamburg (J. Ben Hamburg Early Childhood Education Fund)
Focus: Sinai Temple Religious School.
Priorities: Jewish educational materials for kindergarten through grade three.
Distribution of income: Income is automatically sent to Sinai Temple for inclusion in its General Fund at the start of each fiscal year.
This endowed fund is owned by Sinai Temple but managed by CUJEF
Korry (Sisterhood Myron Korry Confirmation Education Fund)
Focus: Sinai Temple Religious School.
Priorities: To fund a religious experience for the annual confirmation class.
Distribution of income: Income is transferred to Sinai Temple at the start of each fiscal year.
This endowed fund is owned by Sinai Temple but managed by CUJEF
Libman (Clarence and Adele Libman Sinai Temple Religious School Fund)
Focus: Sinai Temple Religious School.
Established: In 1993 by the families of William and Robert Libman.
Distribution of income: Income is automatically sent to Sinai Temple at the start of each fiscal year for the sole use of the Sinai Temple Religious School. Use of the funds is at the discretion of the Sinai Temple Board of Trustees in collaboration with the recommendations of the Sinai Temple Religious School Committee.
Loeb (Charles R. and Helen Loeb Fund)
Focus: Sinai Temple Religious School.
Priorities: Education of Jewish children in religious school and other institutions (including camps.)
Distribution of income: Income is transferred to Sinai Temple at the request of its Board of Directors.
This endowed fund is owned by Sinai Temple but managed by CUJEF
Shapiro (Michael and Elizabeth Shapiro Camp Scholarship Fund)
Focus: Sinai Temple Religious School.
Established: In 2000 by Milton and Rebecca Shapiro in honor of Michael and Elizabeth.
Priorities: Scholarships for children enrolled in the Sinai Temple Religious School to support attendance at Olin Sang Ruby Union Institute.
Distribution of income: Determined by the Sinai Temple Rabbi and Educator (or committee appointed by the Sinai Temple Board) based on need.
Note: Awards are to be made in a fashion that will not intrude on the family's privacy.
Sinai Camp (Sinai Temple Sisterhood Camp Scholarship Fund)
Focus: Sinai Temple.
Priorities: Provides partial tuition scholarships to UAHC camps for children of Sinai Temple members.
Distribution of income: Income is transferred to Sinai Temple at the request of its Board of Directors.
This endowed fund is owned by Sinai Temple and managed by CUJEF
Youth (Stanley and Joan Levy Youth Leadership Fund)
Focus: Sinai Temple.
Priorities: Supports attendance at youth leadership conferences by youth in the Champaign - Urbana Jewish community.
Distribution of income: Income is transferred to Sinai Temple at the request of its Board of Directors.
This endowed fund is owned by Sinai Temple and managed by CUJEF