Funds for the Benefit of Illini Hillel


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Allen (Susan Linowes Allen Memorial Fund for the Hillel Foundation)        

Focus:  UI Hillel Foundation and Jewish academic community.

Established:  in 1993 by the Linowes family, who may serve as advisors to the Board.

Priorities:  Sponsorship of Jewish cultural programs at the UI Hillel Foundation for students, faculty, and others in the academic community. Funding is not to be provided for capital expenditures or to replace monies given to Hillel as a part of their normal CUJF allocation.

Distribution of income:  Upon the approval by the CUJEF Board of Directors to a grant application from Illini Hillel.

Hillel (Hillel Director's Fund)        

Focus:  UI Hillel Foundation.

Priorities:  Provides indirect program support to enhance program potential at the UI Hillel Foundation. The intent is to provide for purchase of non-capital items of hardware or office equipment.

Distribution of income:  Upon written joint application by the Hillel Director and the President of the Hillel Governing Board to CUJEF Board.
Note:  Funding is not to be provided for direct program expenses (honoraria, travel, etc) nor for capital expenditures, not to replace monies given to Hillel as a part of their normal CUJF or JFMC allocation.

Hillel Building (Arthur R. Robinson Fund for Hillel Building)        

Focus:  Hillel Foundation.

Established: In 2016 on the basis of Hillel Foundation Building Fund that was dissolved and its assets were transferred to CUJEF. The Fund is established in memory of Arthur Robinson  

Priorities: The Fund is established for the purpose of benefitting the physical facilities of the University of Illinois Hillel (Margie K. and Louis N. Cohen Center for Jewish Life), and may be used for building repairs and improvements.

Distribution of income: Requested by the acting director of Hillel subject to the approval of CUJEF Board. In certain cases, CUJEF may approve the expenditure of Fund principal in an amount not to exceed 20% of the value of Fund in any two-year period.


Hillel Centennial Fund   

Focus: UI Hillel Foundation. Umbrella fund for contributions recognizing the first century of UI Hillel, the first Hillel Foundation, so that Illini Hillel may achieve its mission of "enriching the lives of Jewish students, so that they may enrich the Jewish people and the world".

Priorities: provide stable, multi-year funding for numerous Hillel activities.

​Distribution of income: Annual distribution to Illini Hillel per CUJEF's then-current income distribution policy.


Hillel Eruv (Champaign Urbana Eruv Endowment Fund)        

Focus:  UI Hillel Foundation.

Established: 2021 in recognition of Rabbi Shlomo Schachter and Ahava Schachter-Zarembski work to establish the C-U Eruv

Priorities:  Supports Hillel's annual costs of maintenance, upkeep, and inspection of the Champaign-Urbana Eruv

Distribution of income: Annual automatic disbursement. 


Hillel Kiddush (Hillel Kidush Endowment Fund)        

Focus:  UI Hillel Foundation.

Priorities:  Funds costs of Kiddush at Illini Hillel following Saturday morning Shabbat services and major Jewish Holliday Services

Distribution of income: Annual automatic disbursement. 

Hillel Robinson (Arthur R. Robinson Fund for Hillel)        

Focus:  UI Hillel Foundation.

Priorities: To be used at the discretion of Hillel Director

Distribution of income: Annual automatic disbursement. 


Hymowitz (Theodore Hymowitz Endowment Fund)                   

Focus and priorities: support acquisition or maintenance of ritual objects for Champaign County Jewish religiouis institutions, specifically Illini Chabad, Illini Hillel, and Sinai Temple

Distribution of income: proposals will be solicited annually by CUJEF by notice to elligible instituitions.


Hoffman Honorary (Andrea Hoffman Honary Fund for Illini Hillel)       

Focus: UI Hillel Foundation

Priorities: Used at the discretion of IlliniHillel's executive director to support professional development for Hillel's staff.

Distribution of income: annually at the request of the Illini Hillel director.


Krakower Torah (Dorothy Denzig-Krakower and David Krakower Memorial Torah Endowment Fund)         

Focus: Illini Hillel.

Established: In 2017 by Judith Krakower and Illini Hillel.

Priorities: To maintain, fix, replace and buy ritualistic objects.

Distribution of income: Upon approval of a written application to the CUJEF Board.


Weiner Endowment Fund for Hillel    

Focus:  Illini Hillel.

Priorities:  to create programming that will bring together Jewish students from the University of Illinois and Jewish community members from the greater Champaign-Urbana area.

Distribution of Income:  Annual automatic distribution

Hymowitz (Theodore Hymowitz Endowment Fund)                   

Focus and priorities: support acquisition or maintenance of ritual objects for Champaign County Jewish religiouis institutions, specifically Illini Chabad, Illini Hillel, and Sinai Temple

Distribution of income: proposals will be solicited annually by CUJEF by notice to elligible instituitions.