Funds Supporting Cultural Programs and Events
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Glaser (Milton and Annette Glaser Concert Fund)
Focus: Sinai Temple.
Priorities: For biennial concerts of Jewish music at Sinai Temple.
Distribution of income: Upon approval the application by the CUJEF Board.Funds Supporting Cultural Programs and Events
Golden Peacock (Mitchell and Frances Harris Golden Peacock Fund for Yiddish and Other Jewish Heritage Culture Programs)
Focus: to honor and promote the living traditions of their Ashkenazic heritage, including Klezmer music and Yiddish language, dance, art, and food.
Priorities:The Golden Peacock Fund promotes the celebration and furtherance of Jewish heritage culture that draws upon Ashkenazic (Yiddish), Sephardic (Ladino), Mizrahi (Judeo-Arabic), and less well-known traditions. The Fund sponsors Jewish performing arts and other cultural programs that represent Jewish heritage cultures, to benefit the local community. Priority should be given to programs or events that encourage interchange between the practitioners/musicians/artists and both the local Jewish and broader communities. The Golden Peacock Fund may also sponsor grants to individuals seeking to attend workshops or seminars, for example, for the purpose of bringing knowledge or developing skills that would benefit the local community. Co-sponsorships with other CUJEF funds and organizations are encouraged.
Distribution of income: Upon approval of written application to the CUJEF Board. Application must include a brief statement of the nature of the proposed program, date(s), responsible person, group or organization, and amount requested.
Lewis (Lewis Family Fund)
Focus: Sinai Temple.
Priorities: For Lectures and other programs of Judaic interest. For full or partial scholarships to Jewish Camps.
Distribution of Income: Income is transferred to Sinai Temple at the request of its Board of Directors
Marco (Jack and Sadye Marco Holocaust Fund)
Focus: Sinai Temple Holocaust recognition.
Established: In 1995 by Sadye Marco. Her daughters, Jewel Kurland and Shirley Kulwin may serve as advisors to the Board.
Priorities: Primarily to fund an annual Yom HaShoa program at Sinai Temple with appropriate music and speakers that will attract adults and children. Where funds are available, support of community Holocaust education efforts will be given.
Distribution of income: Sinai Temple is to be notified of the amount of funds available early enough for planning in advance of Day of Remembrance. All or part of the available funds will be provided upon application by a Sinai Temple planning committee consisting of the Rabbi, the Rabbi Emeritus, a member of the Marco family, the Sinai Temple Adult Education Chair, and the CUJF Holocaust Education Chair.
Small (Dr. Samuel and Sadie Small Fund for Jewish Arts and Culture)
Focus: Jewish Art and Culture.
Established: In 1994 by Erwin Small.
Priorities: To sponsor a wide range of Jewish arts and culture of high quality to the CU Jewish community and to the community at large. Priority is to events featuring performing arts. Other events representing aspects of Jewish arts and culture may be supported. Priority is to be given to events representing Jewish culture from around the world. Events may be co-sponsored by other funds or organizations.
Distribution of income: Upon approval of written application to the CUJEF Board. Application must include a brief statement of the nature of the proposed program, date(s), responsible person, group or organization, and amount requested.
Steinberg (Marvin Steinberg Scholar-in-Residence Fund)
Focus: Sinai Temple.
Priorities: For bringing scholars to present a lecture/seminar series at Sinai Temple to help perpetuate Judaism.
Distribution of income: Upon request from a Sinai Temple committee established to plan a program.
Note: If no program is given for a 6 year period, or if Sinai Temple ceases to exist, capital in the Steinberg fund is to be transferred to the University of Illinois for support of Judaic studies.
Zimmerman (Mathlia Zimmerman B'nai Israel Fund)
Focus: Sinai Temple.
Priorities: For support of lecturers and pulpit guests at Sinai Temple.
Distribution of income: Income is transferred to Sinai Temple at the request of its Board of Directors.
This endowed fund is owned by Sinai Temple and managed by CUJEF